Employment Skills Day Program

Our Focus

Building skills for employment through contract work and volunteer placements

Who We Serve
Individuals working toward paid employment

What We Do

  • Arrange volunteer work placements at non-profit or community organizations
  • Make referrals to our social enterprises - Wishme formerly known as "Community Threads" and Riverside Grill for work experience
  • Provide essential skills training
  • Help with job searches
  • Provide job coaching
  • Provide ongoing employment supports as needed to maintain paid employment
  • Make referrals to Manitoba Supported Employment Agency

Social Enterprises:
We understand that our day programs cannot develop all of the skills for success in paid employment for everyone.

Our social enterprises - Wishme, formerly known as "Community Threads" and Riverside Grill - provide an opportunity to gain work experience in a business with a safe learning environment. In these settings, participants experience the realities of work as they develop skills that can lead to successful employment.