What We Do
- Match you with a trained, experienced employee whose skills you are looking for
- Connect you with financial supports such as wage subsidies when available
- Provide a job coach who will:
- Assist with orientation and training - if needed
- Provide check ins based on need
- Assisting with adaptions, if needed
- Provide follow-up to ensure the match runs smoothly for your and your new employee
- Assistance in trouble shooting if needed
- Support through employment issues such as discipline meetings
- Provide information to staff teams about being an inclusive workplace
- Provide information on job carving to address the specific needs of your business
Prior to paid employment, we provide candidates with opportunities for things such as:
- Essential skills training
- Volunteer work experience at non-profit or community organizations
- Retail training and work experience at Wishme, formerly known as "Community Threads"
- Restaurant training and work experience at Riverside Grill
- Referrals to additional training, if applicable
See Employment Skills Day Program for details.
What You Do
- Connect with us about potential job opportunities
- Connect with us about the tasks you have trouble getting done, areas that need improvement to see if we can job carve a position to meet the gaps in your business
- Fill out an application for wage subsidies, if applicable
- Provide your new employee with a workplace orientation
- Connect with us if additional supports are needed due to changing technology, a change in job description or in role
What You Gain
- A loyal employee
- Become an inclusive employer
- Resources to be successful as an inclusive employer
- Wage subsidies, when eligible
Contact us
Find out how we can help you gain a qualified employee in a short period of time.